Thursday, August 26, 2010


During the ramadhan wow lots of challenges that await us regardless of our faith, patience and many more all of these will then help to make urself a better person in future and i'm sure wit all control you had against yours friends and relative do forgive and forget as you never know when will be the last time you see them. Take care everyone and have a great day to all my friends.

Monday, August 23, 2010

SalamZ Aidilfitri

Would like to wish every one Selamat Hari Raya

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mama Outing

What Should You Do?


Exams is just around the corner and many things in mind that keep me wondering can i do better. How i wish that with a single swift of my hand i'm able to create something great but some how i just know that i need to push myself harder in obtaining success. As effort is what barely is needed for achieving unless i believe in myself.
